web page hit counter The Parallel Campaign: 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
The blog of Michael K.

I'm not even Jewish, and I know trucker caps were Kutchered ages ago, but I'm this close to ordering the Matzoh Baller trucker cap.

And the Open For Shabbos thong? Hot!

Because I want a free 20GB iPod.


I wanted to write a whole lot more than I'm going to right now, but it's 1 am and in 7 hours or so I'll be lying on an operating table, my torn-up knee exposed for all the world to see. After a year and a half of making do with a blown ACL, to the point where I don't feel a thing any more and have a full range of motion (but don't trust it enough to do anything too strenuous with it), I'm finally getting it repaired/reconstructed. I don't have a clue as to what I'm in for. I'm blithely assuming that somehow there won't be much pain post-op, simply because I've forgotten what it was like to have this knee hurt, though it did hurt like hell for about 3 months after I busted it.

The next update will be the first with a piece of my hamstring tendon coming on as a substitute for my starting ACL....


It's not that I've been lazy in the past week or so, it's that I've been shuttling back and forth between Ohio and the motherland, and then between old and new apartments, leaving not a lot of time or energy for activities like thinking and writing. I'll have more time next week when I'm laid up after going under the knife. Here's a great little op-ed piece from the NYT to look at in the meantime. (www.bugmenot.com to get around the pain in the ass registration)

"Only after some commissioners in the east Tennessee county scrambled for cover and a commotion ensued did the county's emergency management director announce it was a security drill. The intruders were acting. The guns were loaded with blanks."


One unhappy guy.

Ever since MLS utterly botched the Danny Szetela lottery, endearing themselves to no one in the process (certainly not the Szetelas, nor the Metros, who were faced with trading off multiple parts of a team emerging as the class of the East) I've felt truly bad for the kid - a guy straight out of North Jersey Polonia with a tough family background who wants to stay and play for the Metros (well, once he blew the whole going-to Europe thing, but hey). What happened on the day of the draft looked like nothing short of a public humiliation - some people apparently thought his discomfort at putting on that yellow Crew gear was funny, but I found it pretty hard to watch (you'll notice none of those spine-tinglingly somber, almost distraught pictures of him in crispy new Crew gear appear on MLSnet.com) . He should be part of the Metros right now, just as much as Freddy Adu should be part of DC United, if that's what it takes to keep him here in the US (in contrast, look at the great big pile of nothin' DC gave up to draft Freddy). But I'm not sure he'd be anything more than a sub this season, and considering how strongly the Metros hit the All-Star Break, with everyone, including usual whipping boys like Joselito Vaca and Tenywa Bonseu stepping it up, with Cornell Glen finally shaping up and rounding into form, and with the reports I'm hearing of team morale being extremely high, I don't want to see anyone being traded now. Not Vaca, not Bonseu, not Lisi, not anyone.
So I know I'm not alone in thinking this way, but according to the always-great Ives Galarcep (northjersey.com requires a registration, so go to bugmenot.com), Columbus is helping out immensely, by both being obnoxiously stupid with their trade demands (Guevara? Gaven?), and cutting off their nose to spite their face. Galarcep reports the Metros offered Lisi and Glen for Szetela, and the Crew owners ordered Andrulis/McCullers (a hapless, hanging-on-by-his-fingernails coach and an interim GM: how much more lame duck can you get?) to make demands that leave them looking idiotic AND hurt their team. It's a bonanza of stupidity out in Columbus, and as a Metros supporter I say thank you. Szetela may be a star someday and that's fine, but this Metro team looks ready now.

Consider that Eddie Pope just hasn't played up to his usual standards thus far in '04, that the most expensive and most pedigreed player on the team - Sergio Galvan Rey - is barely making the bench, much less playing any sort of role on the team, that Eddie Gaven is literally getting better and more confident every game, that the Mike Magee in midfield experiment, which I was not all that high on, looks like it'll work, that there's strength in depth (how many other teams can have a Fabian Taylor - who I hear is much-liked in the locker room - coming off the bench?) and you see that there's a lot of upside left.

About me

  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
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