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United States Postal Subversion

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TheSmokingGun.com recently took a break from its usual repertoire of hilarious celebrity mugshots and reports of true (sick) crime capers to try out the new Stamps.com/USPS feature by which you can have (almost) anyone put on a real, live, true blue US postage stamp (a sheet of 'em, actually). The potential, if you just think about it for a moment, is boundless. Want Uncle Stan on a stamp? Perhaps Fido, or Frisky the kitten?

How about the, er..'happy' couple, Golan Cipel and Governor Jim McGreevey?

Even better, why not mail the electric bill in with a stamp of executed nuclear spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

And Zoran, I don't even think I want to know what the reaction would be in the Bosnian postal system if I sent you a Christmas card with this guy on an (official United States!) stamp.

Like I said, the possibilities for this are endless - notwithstanding the obviously infamous figures who don't get by the guardians of good taste. Remember the debate a few years back about what version of Elvis to honor with a stamp - young and fit or old, bloated, drugged up and leaning against death's door? Nothing stopping you from putting the fattest, sweatiest King you can find on a stamp now - a fact that makes me positively giddy.

Wanna bet you could get Sambo, Aunt Jemima, Amos n' Andy, or other caricatures on a stamp, Mr. Edgy Po-mo? Wanna bet you couldn't?

Noam Chomsky? Jon Stewart? Pol Pot? How about Borat?

Me, I just want a sheet or two of stamps featuring a true American hero, John Wolyniec.

And I'd encourage you all to try it out for yourselves along with me, but I've just gotten around to checking the stamps.com terms and conditions, and dammit, they're claiming not to accept any photos of teenagers or adults anymore. Doesn't mean you can't try. And it still leaves us with this little tyke...


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  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
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