Tuesday evening in the studio...
Published Tuesday, October 12, 2004 by Michael K. | E-mail this post
I mention I'm in the
WOUB radio studio, because a) I get interrupted a lot to read stuff, and b) the keyboard is put in what must be one of the most ergonomically incorrect positions ever devised. I'm sure it was put this way just to keep people from doing things like, oh, writing long emails and things like this. So I'll write for a bit here, at least until I feel my warped, herniated discs about to explode out of my back.
I've decided that when I finally start my band someday, I'm going to call it A Violent Bar Brawl. That way, when we play shows in dirty little dives, they'll have to put on their posters "Coming Thursday Night at 9: A Violent Bar Brawl".
Watching David Beckham's ugly (not violent ugly, just aesthetically ugly) tackle that earned him a yellow card and a day off this past weekend, I jokingly told my friend Bill he just didn't fancy the trip to Azerbaijan.
It looks like I was right.
Tonight, I get my tickets for Interpol and The Secret Machines in Columbus on the weekend.
I'll be back in a bit. I can't feel my spinal column anymore.