I'm not done yet!
Published Wednesday, March 09, 2005 by Michael K. | E-mail this post 
I've been asked by a few people recently if I've given up this blog racket already.
No, no, not in the least. I haven't given up TPC in favor of Podcasting, nor have I been thrown in the clink after they discovered I'm the guy who hacked Paris's Sidekick*. Amazingly, I never even succumbed to that debilitating flu that plowed everyone into the ground around here over the past few weeks.
I've just been busy as hell with coursework - specifically with end-of-quarter assignments. With 2 papers and 3 finals to bash out/study for in the next 6 days or so, I'm not quite there yet. But give me another few days and I'll be back, better than ever. Like that's saying much.
*n.b. for the humor-impaired: I am not really the guy who hacked Paris's Sidekick. Duh.