web page hit counter The Parallel Campaign: 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
The blog of Michael K.

You've got to hand it to fellow Metrosufferer b.f. over at extrawack. When he's not doing good deeds AND hanging backstage at one of the biggest shows in NYC all year, he's getting tapped on the shoulder by the cool blog kids for being the man on the spot re: the Pogues in NYC next March. For no particular reason, I've taken to scoping out such sites a little more often - the fact that I am physically and spiritually as far removed from NYC hipness as I've ever been, much less caring about most celebrity gossip, notwithstanding.

Check Gawker's exclusive of the National Enquirer's exclusive of Nick Lachey's apparent all-inclusiveness.

In particular, note the man-hands on Ms. Here-Suck-On-This-Nick-And-I'll-Reciprocate-Later.
I haven't seen a forearm like that since Lincoln Hawk went to Las Vegas in Over The Top.

I wonder if she flips her cap backwards before she....ah...better leave it at that.

So here's what it looks like, at 2:45 this afternoon.

.. Posted by Picasa

2:45 Posted by Picasa

Glad I didn't try to drive home today, even if it's hardly accumulating - it's just not fun to endure more weather than you must over an 11 hour trip.
It's not going to amount to much after all, but between the snow and the cold out there now, perhaps I should have made the trip out to get my tofurkey yesterday.

What with the colossal 30th anniversary Born to Run re-issue coming out next week, and my recent tendency to crib ruthlessly off swedesplease, it seemed like high time for a Bruce and Swedish-pop related question. One that goes something like...

"Have you spent endless hours wondering what a lo-fi, Swedish-language cover of Hungry Heart might sound like?"

Well, wonder no more - Hungrigt Hjarta.

After you've done that, please, please, please go and check out Norway's tracksuit-wearing, weird-bearded, appliance-smashing, Bonnie Tyler-covering, America-conquering Hurra Torpedo - their Myspace page has the second best cover of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" I have ever heard.*

*(Pulverized rangetops or not, no one, but no one is ever topping my karaoke rendition of Total Eclipse at Adin's House Of Kurofen earlier this year. No one.)

Here is a video (click #6) of Hurra Torpedo "playing" a "show" at a frat party in Chapel Hill.

Believe me when I say this trio is taking Kitchen Appliance Rock to places it's never dreamed of going.
Like North Carolina.

If only these guys would get together with Gil Mantera's Party Dream and tour forever - I might quit life and follow them around like they were the Grateful F'n Dead.

Or something...

11 A.M Raid writes about one of my favorite musical finds of 2005.

But Jens is soooo February. All the hip Swedeophile kids - well, there's me, and that's stretching "hip" into serious contortions - are listening to Pelle Carlberg.
(Ha! You thought I was going to say Jose Gonzalez, didn't you?)

Go on, listen to Riverbank and just try to get that "do do, do do do do" out of your head all night. Upon multiple listens...there is something distinctly "Black Cab"ish about it...and if you're anything like me, you understand that's a compliment. Here's Oh No It's Happening Again - lush, a little Morrisseyish. And lovely.

Thanks, Swedesplease, for the The Thing That Won't Leave My iTunes Tonight. Don't know what I'd do without you.

About me

  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
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