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I haven't forgotten about you.
Though it has been a long time.

I just hadn't really planned on having my computer stolen, my arm broken, my arm-bone bolted back together, my time as a student brought to a close, my stuff moved, my new job started, my life re-started as-it-were over the past ten months.

Or else I was really, really lazy. Embarrassingly so. What kind of slacker can't even finish a year-end top ten songs list? By the time February started, I didn't want to show myself here for that reason alone. (I've been sitting on the last song all that time. Maybe next post.)

Yet here I am again.
A year ago tomorrow (or today, by the time I post this) it was my birthday. I woke up to a flurry of facebook messages from friends around the world and felt immensely grateful for all of them. I promised myself to work harder at taking care of those connections, the wealth of my life. I also told myself I'd post here everyday. Obviously, the second thing didn't exactly work out.

I try again.

I've got enough to say, especially about things I'm not qualified to talk about. And my ego's rampant enough to make me believe that someone cares if I speak up anyway, so I've had trying again in mind for a while. Thought of starting fresh and letting this effort fade into the bone-littered miasma of abandoned blogs. I can find another arch, bookish reference to make a title out of, you know. But then I was a little amazed when I realized I've been writing in this thing for four years. A lot of it's been ordinary, and some of it just cringeworthy. On the odd day, I'm actually gladdened and moved by what I wrote. (I'll let you go back and decide what's what.) So here we go again. Here.

Expect more of the same of whatever it is I've done in the past - some music, some culture, some politics, some observation, some photos, some silliness. Expect some things leaching over from other sites I'd started with varying degrees of success, and am winding up as of now - on soccer, and on triathlon. Two of my many interests. I'm going to try them all together here. The only concept holding it all together is that I don't have a concept.

For your immediate enjoyment - environmentally-sustainable amusement, Indian-style. The human-powered Ferris wheel.



About me

  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
  • My profile
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