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The hiatus is finally over; the papers read, the books studied, the exams written. Another quarter is done. It's break time, and I'm spending a hot, sexy, wild spring break...in my apartment. And in a radio studio, its saving grace the fact that inside, I'm not likely to fixate on the chilly, dank, damp weather that's rolled into town just as everyone rolls out. So there's not a lot to distract me. Hopefully I can get back to writing this thing somewhat regularly in the next few days, never mind keep it up when classes restart.

Have you ever missed a lot of my life while I was gone!
No, not really. Studying, reading, writing, writing, reading and studying. A bit of this and a bit of that, but to recount it all now after the fact...I can't really be bothered. I'll lose too much sleep time writing it and you'll be bored in the bargain. I could rehash my assorted papers and whatnot, inflating my sense of self-importance (because a lot of it is cool, I think), but then you'll never, ever come back - or worse, write me off as a horrific nerd. Besides, does anyone really come here to ponder the minute details of my precarious existence?
No! You come here - if you come of your own volition in the first place - for my snarky, oblique shots at politicians and socceristi, along with the occasional goodies I bite from memepool. A discerning audience you are.
This blog has lost its focus. As if it had one to begin with.
However, interestingly enough I do have a personal life, a matching set of trials and tribulations, but I'm totally uncertain how much of it is worth splashing out here. Maybe sometime I'll figure out how to strike the delicate balance between being a sporadically-updated facsimile of some random Dem-blog, and a more pompous, less pretentious facsimile of the Livejournal of a random 15 year old girl.

On that cheerful note, last month was a bummer for the Family K.. Our Jurgen was put to sleep at the age of 14. I wasn't there, obviously. My brother and father were that morning, holding him as he went. Not really sure I could have been there, done that. A week later, we got two beautiful rescue labs from John Gagnon's Dog House. And with a little luck (and money), I'll have a rescue schnauzer from SFRA sometime in the next few weeks/months.


About me

  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
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