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Things I probably shouldn't laugh at, but do - convulsively

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The sub-sub genre of sports-related Downfall parodies on Youtube. (The subtitles, if nothing else, probably aren't safe for work. And none of it's safe for your sensibilities if you can't stomach the thought of laughing at Hitler)

Brett Favre: "I feel I've been t-bagged by this son of a bitch backstabber."
Mike Ashley sells Newcastle: "But oh no, those jobless twats had to show up at St. James with the misspelled banners, didn't they?"
Celtics beat Lakers: "And to make things worse...it was Pierce."
Texas Rangers brass review their 2008 pitching staff: "He even wrote on our message boards."

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  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
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