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In recognition of the news from national medical authorities that German measles, a.k.a Rubella has been gewiped-outten, let's all sing along to the greatest punk-pop song about a contagious viral illness....ever!

I'm inflamed with desire and its spreading like wildfire
She doesn't know it but she'll soon be mine
Its just a question of time

I'm insanely obsessed and I simply will not rest
She doesn't know it yet but she's the one
And I won't stop until I'm done

And the heart that she has stolen has swollen twice its natural size
I've lost six pounds since I laid eyes on her

I'm in love with a girl she's affected my whole world
She doesn't know it but she's inside me
And now I'm gone completely

She explodes like a fist and she burns from the first kiss
I haven't told her but she's all mine now
I knew some how I'd catch her
Rubella, Rubella, Rubella (repeat until end of song)

If by any chance, there's a nice virulent strain of German measles, or any measles running around the country, we can only hope that political scumsuckers like Tom Delay and Bill Frist come down with a ass-kicking case of it.


About me

  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
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