web page hit counter The Parallel Campaign: 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
The blog of Michael K.

Smuggler's Notch, northern Vermont. I've been here for about 48 hours now, and I've got to say, real nice place. Quite obviously oriente more towards the families, at the expense of apres ski Magic-Hat-and-hot-tub-and-karaoke people like me, but it looks like it might be a fantastic place to ski. Note the wistful "might be" there. Because it's not supposed to look like this on the 18th of December.

Tulsa, for god's sake, has already gotten almost a foot of snow in one shot, while the Green Mountains are still very green indeed. Northeastern skiers, commence sighing.

From the ubiquitous, tawdry card-collage inside urban phone booths, to the back pages of your local alternaweekly, to the internet, you and I have both seen a lot of seamy, seedy, sleazy, laughable and just plain gross advertisements for "escort services" (or as WFAN know-it-all Mike Francesa might put it, the sexual league where they play for pay.) This one outdoes them all.

"Potential clients are advised to screen the controversial scene from The Brown Bunny to be sure for themselves that they can fully accommodate all of me."

Just 50 grand, ladies.

Via Youtube, here's my current favorite reclining gay German celebrity interviewer (yeah, the field is really wide open there, I'm sure) Torgen Schneider, aka Torgen am Morgen.

These are rather fun to watch. I love how his repertoire of questions is pretty much the same every single time, beginning with the all-too-disarming opening one-two regarding attitudes towards cryogenic preservation and sweatsuits. Of course I should also mention his pronounced tendency to interview celebs in bed - see his interviews with Chuck Palahniuk, Michael Buble, not to mention his epic six-parter with Chris Isaak - part one here:

This is the furthest thing from a grilling, yet I think you can estimate a celebrity subject's general coolness by their willingness to play along and have fun. The Rock? Awesome. Liza? A doll. Nick Lachey? Meh.

(...which is occurring a couple feet to my immediate left, as I write) I feel like doing this blogging thing once again.

So let's do it. Really, really do it. Do it better than ever, man. Starting tomorrow.

Meanwhile, you're up late with nothing better to do, so go listen to Of Montreal's upcoming (Jan 13) Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? Whence Kevin Barnes' tenacious Norweigen thang gives us "Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse," the song that had me yelling "Come on chemicals!" and stuck in my head more than any song in 2007, easily.
While I thank extrawack for that tip-off, you go over there and check out Kevin Barnes's responses to the annual extrawack best-of email questionnaire - a grand holiday tradition.

About me

  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
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